Friday, February 13, 2015

D.I.Y : Gratitude Journals

Gratitude Journals

I have noticed that writing what you are thankful for is a very popular trend during Thanksgiving or during the whole month of November. Why should it only be that month? Aren’t your thankful for things all year long? Why not involve the kiddos too!!

So This DIY is on making Gratitude Journals. I had some things already on hand like

  • Crafting scissors

  • Glue or mod podge

  • Scrapbook paper

  • Yarn

  • Printer paper

  • Hole punch

  • Ruled paper

You can use anything you like honestly you are only limited by your imagination. There is honestly no wrong way or right way to make the books. IF you are not that crafty you can always pick up a small book or pad at any store like Wal-Mart or a craft store.

These are the books I made for my three kids. Each is different.


I wanted to make the first books for my kids as a gift and next set of books I am going to let them decorate. I wanted to have some Guide Lines for the kids to follow like

  1. Name and date on the front cover (start)

  2. Write or Draw two things you are happy for, Thankful for, or glad about

  3. We do this every night after dinner

  4. They turn the books in to me after they are done

  5. We sign and date them when we have filled the book and tie it shut

  6. Store the finished book in a treasure chest

  7. Read them at the end of the year

  8. keep it simple and fun

So far we have done two days in our books. The kids loved them and were very excited to get started on them. We all need to put more positive in this negative world. Bringing my kids together at the dinner table to write happy things down and just before bed( good dreams). DO you Journal? DO you have a Gratitude Journal? Would this be something you’d do with your family? I would love to know !!

from WordPress


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